Our Team

Our Team

Russell Logan Coodjingburra HOME Managing Director

Managing Director - Russell Logan 

Russell Logan has worked for over 30 years in Indigenous Housing and Employment, cultural diversity, community organisations, governance, land management and conservation. His expertise lies in the development, implementation and facilitation of cultural awareness and competency training and mentoring programs, across Australia both regionally and remotely for Aboriginal organisations, the corporate sector, not for profits, Federal and State government, non-government agencies, recruitment, employment and registered training organisations.

Sharyn Logan Coodjingburra HOME

Operations Manager - Sharyn Logan

Sharyn has 20 years experience working in State and Federal agencies concerned with the provision of housing, employment, education, training and welfare services.  She was recruited by NSW Department of Housing as a Senior Client Service Officer and managed a portfolio of more than 200 properties. As the SCSO she also undertook Tribunal matters for the team and worked closely with many community agencies in a collaborative approach designed to empower tenants in maintaining their tenancies. Sharyn also worked as a Team Leader in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven.  During her time with Housing she demonstrated a strong commitment to a culture of mutual obligation in maintaining secure tenancies and empowering tenants. As both a SCSO and Team Leader she acquired extensive experience in asset management.

Accounts Manager Helena Austin

HR & Finance Manager - Helena Austin

Helena Austin has worked within the financial services industry for the past 40 years. She has worked in the capacity of accounts & office management,  plus financial advisory roles.  She has certifications in Bookkeeping and Small Business Management.  Plus she is a registered BAS and ASIC Agent.

Helena’s knowledge and experience ensure Coodjingburra HOME consistently meet all financial management obligations.  Invoices are paid promptly, information is stored and received professionally and all legal obligations are strictly observed.

Helena appreciates the role of assisting within the Aboriginal Housing Organisation and community.


Board Member - Aunty Maureen Logan

Maureen is a Bundjalung woman who has lived on Coodjingburra country all her life and has vast personal and professional experinece of people with a disablility. Maureen has extensive governance experience includin current Board Membership an 8 years involvement with First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN). Maureen has also been a member of the Aboriginal Disability Network (ADN) for 12 years, including 5 years as a Board Member.


Admin Support Officer - Jean Logan

Jean has been utilised by Coodjingburra HOME  for her artistic and administrative skills.  Currently in her third year Bachelor Arts through Open Universities Australia, Jean possesses a variety of skills and is available for flexible hours work.


Tenancy Manager Northern Zone - Vacant

Tenancy Manager Southern Zone - Vacant

Accounts Officer - Vacant